Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bars and Blessings: Turning a Mess into a Message by Robert Shafer

Robert Shafer, 54, serving life without parole, shares his transformative story from prison. Despite committing murder, he seeks redemption and shares a message of hope. Embracing personal growth, he invites others to join his journey. To contact him, use the Securus website and search for Robert Shafer in Missouri.

Adventures in Camp Prisoney Land: I am a Vanilla Latte Princess with a Seaweed Spine, by Catherine LaFleur

There is magic in the air at Camp Prisoney Land. The happiest prison on earth contains an aura brought on by Art Spring, a charity serving incarcerated women. Professional...

My Paintings by Edward Martino

      Edward Martino DOC #582014

“Friends” by Matthew Shepherd

Everyone has friends right? Some people more than others. Some friends are more loyal than others. Some friends need to be comforted more than others. Some friends are the comforters. Friends...

Adventures in Camp Prisoney Land: Queen for a Day, by Catherine LaFleur

It's an intense game and I am not in the same league as the best players here in Camp Prisoney Land. You have to...

Simple Things, by Josh Blount

I was talking to a buddy while we were waiting for chapel a couple of days ago. We got on the subject how chapel...

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What’s in your wallet? by Major McCormick

They say I walked this shit down.. In reality I guess I did. Eleven years! In two thousand twelve, two thousand twenty three looked...

The Tactical War of A.I. Against Inmates by Paul Matus

The usage of advanced Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) systems in prisons has raised concerns about constitutional and human rights violations. Inmates are being subjected to invasive technologies, including voice-cloning and non-consensual mind access, creating a tactical war of A.I. against inmates. This poses a threat to privacy and human dignity, requiring immediate action.

Healthcare for Inmates, by Eddie Austin

You know, I started to say its funny how people really never realize how much is taken for granted. In particular, time, mental health,...

Beware Of The Covid-19 Coronavirus!!! by Keith Brooks

This deadly virus is very serious! Stay safe, clean, and away from crowded places. Avoid shaking hands, attending big events, and taking trips outside...

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